Thinking about the profession of geographers means mostly a very traditional viewpoint. Like Saint-Exupery in his ‘The Little Prince’ described it: … "What is a geographer?" asked the little prince. "A geographer is a scholar who knows the location of all the seas, rivers, towns, mountains, and deserts." "That is very interesting," said the little prince. "Here at last is a man who has a real profession!"
In the meantime, Geography has changed a lot and the Department of Geography and Regional Science covers a variety of research topics, like the consequences of climate change, options for sustainable and regional change as well as Geo-technological developments. The project ways2see belongs to the Geo-technology strand: it is targeting the support of independent mobility for people with visual impairment or blindness.
Team member, Department of Geography and Regional Science
My name is Sebastian; I was born and raised in Dornbirn, Vorarlberg, in the most Western province of Austria – since four years I am studying in Graz. Already in school, I was fascinated by geography topics and the associated technological developments. This was the reason to start studying Environmental Systems Sciences with a special focus on Geography. I finished my bachelor studies in 2016 and started my master studies in Geospatial Technologies, a joint study program of the University of Technology and the University of Graz. I am very much interested in Geographic Information Systems and I am focusing on applications in emergency management, public safety as well as assistive devices for people with differences. In ways2see, I am responsible for the provision and processing of data as well as software development for the final product.
Team member, Department of Geography and Regional Science
I am Antonia; I finished my Bachelor degree in Geography at the University of Graz in spring 2016 and was immediately included in the project ways2see. I was convinced of the relevance and the quality of the project and was happy to become part of the team. It was clear to me that I finally will be able to apply my knowledge and to improve my experiences by working in this project. The real work exceeded all my expectations.
After a temporary study abroad at the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, where I studied the Master program in Human Geography, I returned into the project ways2see in September 2017. Parallel to my work I am finishing my Master thesis entitled “Political Geography and Refugees”.
Student staff member, Department of Geography and Regional Science
I was born and raised in Mondsee, and after having been civil servant with the Red Cross in Upper Austria, I started to study for the teaching degree for secondary schools at the University of Graz (Geography, English). During my studies, I spent a semester at San Diego State University, CA, which intensified my connection to nature but also exaggerated my interest in social diversity. Since October 2016, I am delighted to be part of the project team ways2see, responsible for mapping and data acquisition.
Team member, Department of Geography and Regional Science
At the Department of Geography and Regional Science, University of Graz, I studied Geography, focusing on Sustainable Urban and Regional Development as well as Geo-technologies. After my studies, I was working with the Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna, where I was engaged in researching the mobility of people with special needs, especially the mobility of the elderly.
From May 2016 until September 2017, I was working with the project ways2see where I was responsible for organizational issues and project management as well as for the inquiry of the needs of people with visual impairment or blindness.
Student staff member, Department of Geography and Regional Science
Originally, I am from Upper Austria and I am currently studying Environmental Systems Sciences with a special focus on Geography. I am team member of ways2see since October 2016 and during my work, I got very conscious about my restricted perception of people with visual impairment or blindness. I am very happy to be included into this topic and I learned a lot during the data acquisition phase by systematically mapping obstacles and barriers that are relevant for this target group.
Project leader and team leader, Department of Geography and Regional Science
I studied Geography and Mathematics and I am specialized in Geo-technologies. To explain it briefly: I am working with different Geography related topics by applying Geographic Information Systems, multivariate statistics, and maps. ways2see is an affair of my heart, since many years I am investigating the use and implementation of Geographic Information Systems for people with differences. With the responsible scientific lead for this project, I would like to accomplish my contribution to the development of our society and I would like to close the gap between the ivory tower of science and the civil society.
SynerGIS is a company for GIS software with more than 2.000 customers in public administration, industry, businesses, utilities, transportation and private branches. As a system provider of GIS and process-centric solutions, we support our customers in capturing, visualizing and analyzing geo-related data and process oriented workflows.
I am responsible for the technical project leads during the development of the ways2see software. I studied Spatial Research and Spatial Planning with the focus on Geo-information at the University of Vienna. In ways2see, I am harmonizing the project goals among the project partners and internally I am caring for optimizing the necessary functions and the user interface of the application.
In ways2see, I am responsible for the development of the software. I studied landscape management with the focus on Geo-information at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. I am experienced in diverse subjects of Geo-information and software development. In ways2ee I am responsible for the realization of the functionality of the product with a special attention to the barrier-free user interface.
The Odilien-Institute is – besides the National Institute for People with Blindness – the only educational organization in Austria for persons with visual impairment or blindness. The offer covers qualified consultation, education, assistance and support service for people with visual impairment, blindness or multiple handicaps. Self-determination, individuality and help for self-help are the central mission. To support the self-contained mobility of people with visual impairment or blindness special mobility trainings or offered by highly specialized mobility trainer. They are well-trained teacher in elementary schools or in special needs education. This is the prerequisite for the apprenticeship to become teacher for blind people and this is again the prerequisite for a special training to become mobility trainer. They are highly qualified and especially very practical oriented specialists for mobility trainings.
Rudolf Zangl is managing director of the Odilien-Institute in Graz und is chairperson of Social-Economy Styria, a special interest group for people with differences.
Team member Odilien-Institute
Shortly after my birth, I went blind. Since 2007, I am living independently in Graz. Technology and innovation are fascinating for me and therefore I am very glad to be part of ways2see since June 2015. My main occupation is the work in the telephone exchange office of the city of Graz. Additionally I am completing a training as hypnotist and mental coach.